

This website is owned by Bike&Trail. The following conditions for the use of this website govern the use of material and information contained in this website by Bike&Trail are displayed. By visiting this website, the visitor agrees to these conditions as they apply at the time of the visit and apply to all users of this website. Bike&Trail reserves the right to change, extend or replace these conditions at any time. Law and jurisdiction These conditions for the use of the website are subject to the Belgian jurisdiction - only the Hasselt District Court has jurisdiction. Disclaimer All users who have access to the website agree to use the website and the material and information available on it in accordance with the current terms and conditions of use of the website and all rules and regulations contained herein. In no event may users use this material and information without the express written consent of Bike&Trail.  Even with this express written permission, this material and information may under no circumstances be used for dishonourable and legally prohibited purposes that are contrary to the public interest or morals or that harm the rights of third parties. Although Bike&Trail makes every reasonable effort to check the material and information published on this website and to verify that they are correct, Bike&Trail offers this website and its content on an "as is" basis. Bike&Trail does not guarantee the correctness or the legal undisputability of this information and cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies or errors that appear in the content of this website or for any claims that may arise from it. Nor does Bike&Trail guarantee that all applicable laws will be respected. Bike&Trail does not guarantee the continuation of this website in any way and cannot be held liable in any way for the use or inability to use the website or for any damage that may arise from the use of the website and the information contained herein. Bike&Trail reserves the right to temporarily or permanently discontinue this website on its own initiative, without prior notice and without being liable to pay any compensation to anyone. Responsibility for the suffering of any loss or damage suffered by users or third parties arising from the use of this website and its content or in connection therewith is hereby expressly rejected. Links This website may contain links to websites offered by third parties. Bike&Trail has no control over such linked websites and excludes any responsibility with regard to information, material or any other content offered on these websites. Bike&Trail cannot under any circumstances guarantee the functionality, availability, legality or reliability of these websites and their content and excludes any responsibility for the links that such websites in turn provide to other websites. The provision of links to other websites does not imply any cooperation between Bike&Trail and the parties responsible for these websites. Furthermore, Bike&Trail does not allow any link to information on its own website without prior written consent. If links to Bike&Trail are placed on websites for which Bike&Trail has not given its consent and Bike&Trail is aware of this, Bike&Trail will require those responsible for these websites to remove these links immediately. Intellectual property rights All rights of individual ownership with regard to the design of this website as well as the selection and layout of texts, graphics or other contributions on this website belong to Bike&Trail. The rights of individual ownership with regard to the included entries such as texts, graphics, software and all other documents and materials on this website belong to the authors, designers, artists or the persons or organisations designated by them or their entitled descendants. Copying, adapting, translating, reworking, changing or distributing the texts and/or images published via Bike&Trail, as well as any part of this website in any form whatsoever, is not permitted, unless the holder of the intellectual property right concerned grants express written permission to do so. Confidentiality and security All e-mails sent by Bike&Trail regarding this website are confidential and intended only for the addressee. If you do receive such an e-mail message, but are not the intended recipient, you must immediately inform Bike&Trail and remove the e-mail message from your system. Bike&Trail cannot guarantee that every transaction of data through this website is secure and disclaims any responsibility in the event of interception of data by third parties. Bike&Trail may use the information submitted by correspondents (work, summary personal data) within the context of this website. By submitting this information, the correspondents agree to the provisions in "Acceptance of Submissions". Bike&Trail undertakes not to make the personal data of correspondents available to third parties in any other way, unless the correspondent in question gives its consent. See also our privacy statement. Language The website or parts of it may be displayed in different languages depending on the language of the submission. Username and password Access to some parts of the website may be protected by a user name and/or password. If necessary, the user name and/or password will be assigned according to the described registration procedures. Each user is responsible for the confidentiality of his username and/or password - Bike&Trail is not responsible for its use by the user and/or third parties.
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